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RaiderVerified Ticket Buyers Guide



1. The Ticket Arena does not add any fees to your purchases. We want you in these seats to rep the Raiders on game day. Loud and freakin proud.


2. To find seats, choose the game you want and pick from the list of available tickets.


3. All seats are offered by Raider season-ticket-holders and the prices are set by them, not RaiderVerified.


4. We encourage fair pricing and actively work to prevent price-gouging. This community is built for Raider fans who support Raider fans.


5. The Ticket Arena is a live marketplace.  All active listings are live. The first one to purchase the seats, gets them. Don’t delay.  


6. You pay by credit card, Apple Pay, etc, on a secure payment portal. Again, there are no fees.


7. Once you submit your purchase, the tickets are yours.  All sales are final. 


8. RaiderVerified offers a Buyer Guarantee to protect you. The seats you buy will be the seats you get. If you don’t get your seats, you will be refunded.


9. After your purchase, the Seller will have a 2-hour window to electronically transfer your tickets to you. If you don’t receive your seats within 2 hours, contact us at and we will investigate immediately. 


10. If you buy your tickets in the middle of the night, don’t expect a transfer until normal waking hours. Hit us up in the morning if your seats haven’t come to you.


11. You must have a TicketMaster account to receive your electronic tickets. And it must use the same email address that you have on your RaiderVerfied account.


12. The Ticket Arena will stop the sale of all tickets the day before each game, typically at 5pm PST.  Again, don’t delay.


13. Once the Seller transfers the tickets to you, the deal is done. Enjoy the game.  And scream your freakin face off when the Raiders are on D.  Make some noise!  LFG!!

las vegas raiders tickets
las vegas raiders tickets
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